This BBC SO concert with Lozakovich at the Proms had an only too rare high artistic quality

United KingdomUnited Kingdom BBC Proms 2022 [23], Prom 51 – Lalo, Brahms, Franck: Daniel Lozakovich (violin), BBC Symphony Orchestra / Fabien Gabel (conductor), Royal Albert Hall, London, 25.8.2022. (MBr)

Fabien Gabel conducts the BBC SO © Sisi Burn

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Strikingly tender Liszt from Yuja Wang, slow-burn Sibelius and sumptuous Strauss from the Oslo Phil

United KingdomUnited Kingdom BBC Proms 2022 [15], Prom 35 – Sibelius, Liszt, R. Strauss: Yuja Wang (piano), Oslo Philharmonic / Klaus Mäkelä (conductor). Royal Albert Hall, London, 12.8.2022. (MBr)

Klaus Mäkelä © BBC/Chris Christodoulou

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