Thrilling Xenakis Proms premiere but an underwhelming Sacre from Martyn Brabbins and the BBC SO

United KingdomUnited Kingdom BBC Proms 2022 [11], Prom 20 – Birtwistle, Ravel, Xenakis, Stravinsky: Tom Borrow (piano), BBC Symphony Orchestra / Martyn Brabbins (conductor). Royal Albert Hall, London, 31.7.2022. (MBr)

Tom Borrow (piano) and the BBC SO © BBC/Chris Christodoulou

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With the CBSO at the BBC Proms, Kazuki Yamada proves what a dynamic and talented conductor he is

United KingdomUnited Kingdom BBC Proms 2022 [8], Prom 14 – Glinka, Smyth, Rachmaninoff: Elena Urioste (violin), Ben Goldscheider (horn), City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Kazuki Yamada (conductor), Royal Albert Hall, London, 25.7.2022. (MBr)

Elena Urioste (violin) and Ben Goldscheider (horn) © BBC/Mark Allan

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