Rossini’s Petite Messe solennelle in Edinburgh was given a good, if anonymous, performance

United KingdomUnited Kingdom Edinburgh International Festival 2024 [15] – Rossini’s Petite Messe solennelle: Catriona Hewitson, Holly Teague, Holly Brown (sopranos), Georgia Mae Ellis, Kelsey Lauritano, Hannah Bennett (altos), Liam McNally, Euan McDonald, Ferdinand Keller (tenors), Smelo Mahlangu, Jonathan Eyers, George Robarts (basses), James Baillieu and Mark Austin (pianos), Sofia Ros González (accordion). Queen’s Hall, Edinburgh, 24.8.2024. (SRT)

James Baillieu © David Ruano

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Irish Baroque Orchestra’s delightful potpourri and Midori’s Romantic recital in Edinburgh

United KingdomUnited Kingdom Edinburgh International Festival 2024 [13]: Irish Baroque Orchestra, Peter Whelan (director & harpsichord, 22.8); Midori (violin), Özgür Aydin (piano, 23.8). Queen’s Hall, Edinburgh, 22 & 23.8.2024. (SRT)


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Serebrennikov’s ‘contemporary’ yet disturbing Marriage of Figaro offers fine musical performances

United KingdomUnited Kingdom Edinburgh International Festival 2024 [11] – Mozart, Le nozze di Figaro: Soloists, Orchestra of Komische Oper Berlin / James Gaffigan (conductor). Festival Theatre, Edinburgh, 17.8.2024. (GT)

Komische Oper Berlin’s The Marriage of Figaro © Jess Shurte

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The Takács Quartet pack a mighty punch in Edinburgh, though there is a little too much Esfahani baroque

United KingdomUnited Kingdom Edinburgh International Festival 2024 [9]: Takács Quartet (16.8), Mahan Esfahani (harpsichord, 17.8). Queen’s Hall, Edinburgh, 16 & 17.8.2024. (SRT)

The Takács Quartet in Queen’s Hall © Andrew Perry

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Historically informed EIF Queen’s Hall performances of chamber music: you can feel it in the gut

United KingdomUnited Kingdom Edinburgh International Festival 2024 [7]: Chiaroscuro Quartet (12.08), Maxim Emelyanychev (piano and Principals of the Scottish Chamber Orchestra (13.8). Queen’s Hall, Edinburgh, 12 & 13.8.2024. (SRT)

Chiaroscuro Quartet

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