Jason Moran Makes a Potent Case for the Importance of James Reese Europe

United KingdomUnited Kingdom The Harlem Hellfighters: James Reese Europe and the Absence of Ruin: Jason Moran (piano, arranger, composer, leader), Tarus Mateen (electric bass), Nasheet Waits (drums), Ife Ogunjobi (trumpet) Joe Bristow (trombone) Hannah Mubya (bass trombone, tuba) Kaldi Akinibbi, Mebrakh Johnson, Alam Nathoo (reeds), Andy Grappy (tuba). Bradford Young (cinematographer), Film Editor (Stefani Saintonge), Still Photography (Jati Lindsay). Dora Stoutzker Hall, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cardiff. 21.10.2018. (GPu)

Jason Moran

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Onyx Brass Explore the Increasingly Permeable Boundary Between Jazz and the Classical

United KingdomUnited Kingdom Simcock, Cottle, Clowes, Walker, Rebello, Skinner – Onyx Brass: Niall Keatley, Alan Thomas (trumpets), Andrew Sutton (horn), Amos Miller (trombone), David Gordon-Shute (tuba). The Dora Stoutzker Hall, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cardiff, 4.10.2018. (GPu)

Onyx Brass

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