[Updated Tuesday 17 April 2018 – Seen and Heard International is sad to report the passing of Graham Stansfield on Friday 13 April, following a long struggle against cancer, an illness he steadfastly refused to make concessions to. He worked consistently throughout lengthy and often debilitating periods of treatment. Indeed, just six days before he had introduced his latest work – new settings of poems by his beloved Thomas Hardy – at a concert in St Michael’s Stinsford, the Hardy family church, given by the Wessex Consort ensemble he co-founded with conductor Andrew King.]
United Kingdom Graham Stansfield: Wessex Consort (Vicky Jackson, Alison Gormley, Melissa Stansfield [soprano], Sarah Palfreman-Kay, Natalie Davies [mezzo-soprano], Aino Konkka, Ellie Edmonds [alto], Matt Spillett, Michael Aitkenhead [tenor], Tom Asher, John Twitchen [baritone], Tim Emberson, Andrew Fellowes [bass]), Andrew King (conductor), St Michael’s Church, Stinsford, Dorchester, 7.4.2018. (IL)