Stars in the Making 1: Luis Gomes (tenor) interviewed by Margarida Mota Bull

Stars in the Making 1: Luis Gomes (tenor) interviewed by Margarida Mota Bull

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Luis Gomes (c) ROH


The Jette Parker Young Artists Programme of the Royal Opera House is designed to support the artistic development of young professional singers, conductors, directors and répétiteurs, as per information kindly provided by the Administrator. The Young Artists are salaried company members, who work at the opera house on a full-time basis over a two-year period. Each artist is given the opportunity to work on productions for The Royal Opera. They also receive coaching in all opera disciplines, including music, languages, movement and acting from a wide range of freelance coaches, as well as guidance in related issues and career development. Portuguese tenor Luis Gomes and Brazilian baritone Michel de Souza are two of the artists currently in the programme.

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