How to Find a Review

IMPORTANT : This site contains only  reviews and  articles published from April 2011
.   For reviews  earlier than that  – from 1999 onwards please visit our Archive Pages which are HERE

Finding your way around the new design.

The only important thing about the design of this web site is that we want visitors to find what’s in it as quickly and as easily as possible. So there are six different ways of  doing that here, all cross referenced to each other  but with different slants on cataloguing.  Here’s a guide to what they  do:

Most Recent Reviews and Articles  – contains  a short list of reviews and articles which changes as new ones are added. It is limited to the twelve – or so – because otherwise the list would get very long very quickly and defeat its purpose as a quick reference.

Reviews and Articles by Posting  Dates. The calendar  does exactly what it says it does. It displays all the reviews and articles posted on a particular day. To see what’s there, hover your cursor over any of the blue dates and / or click the blue date to display the  listing for the day. This is useful if you want to check whether a review you are expecting has been posted or not. The calendar changes at the end of each month by  the way.

The Subject Indexes in the Navigation Bar. These list all posted reviews and articles either by the complete category – eg Concerts – or by the relevant sub-categories egs UK Concerts or International Concerts. The links in the drop-down menus open the appropriate listings.

The Monthly Archive records every review or article published month by month and This Week’s Reviews  –  found in the top navigation bar – lists each week’s posts from  Sunday  to Saturday. Lastly, the Google Search Box in the bottom right hand corner of every post or static page is extremely fast and very accurate. If you can’t find what you are searching for, then the odds are that we haven’t published it (yet.) On the other hand, the best laid  plans  ‘gang aft aglae’  as the immortal poet Rabbie Burns put it. If you find that they have,  let us know through the Contact Page and we’ll try to put matters right immediately  ….  or   sooner if we can manage it.

To Find  Reviews by a Specific Author,  you can look click the author’s name in the Tag Cloud that appears in the right hand margin of every review. Clicking a name will open a list of everything we  have published by the selected person. It is also possible to look the author  up in the Google Search Box eg Bernard Jacobson and you can make the search even more detailed by searching  – for example – for Bernard Jacobson, 2011.

Don’t forget by the way, that you can have the details of all of our latest reviews / articles sent to  you by Email. You can subscribe from the sign-up box at the bottom of every page and better than that you can also unsubscribe whenever you choose. Nobody will ever see your email addresses either.  We hope you will enjoy your visits as much as we enjoy putting the magazine together.

And OOPS!  We  completely forgot to mention our  fancy new RSS feed which will show up   in the top bar  of most popular web browsers and looks like this.



The feed updates in real time and you can subscribe to it through your most browsers, including those running on smartphones.


The Seen and Heard  Editing Team

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