English Touring Opera makes its new home in Sheffield

ETO to relocate to Sheffield by October 2024 as part of the Arts Council England Transfer Programme

English Touring Opera (ETO) is delighted to announce the city of Sheffield as the company’s new home, and will relocate its offices there by the end of October 2024 as part of the Arts Council England Transfer Programme.

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A powerful reminder of the stature of Saint-Saëns from Ensemble 360 in Sheffield

United KingdomUnited Kingdom Music in the Round [1] – Sheffield Chamber Music Festival – Saint-Saëns: The Renaissance Man: Ensemble 360 / George Morton (conductor, L’assassinat du duc de guise). Crucible Playhouse, Sheffield, 21.5.2024. (CC)

Ensemble 360’s Saint-Saëns: The Renaissance Man © Matthew Johnson

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The BBC takes the Corner Shop Back in Time from yesteryear to nearly next century

Polly Samson and Sara Cox (front) with the Ardern family

Do you have a corner shop nearby?  If so the chances are it will be owned and run by a family of Asian heritage, open most of twenty-four hours, friendly, better stocked than the supermarket, and all the more likely to provide you with improbable, impossible whatever,  if you have ready cash and a sense of humour. Theatre doesn’t come better than this. But this is real life. No kidding.

BBC2 have just taken us through a six-part ‘extraordinary time-travelling adventure’ on the corner shop from Victorian times to the end of our new century. At the moment Back in Time for the Corner Shop is waiting for you on iPlayer for a little while longer. If this isn’t entertainment with a big smile, I don’t know what is.

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