United Kingdom Sullivan, Utopia Ltd: Soloists and chorus of the Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Company, Opera House, Buxton. 19.8.2011 (RJW)
Raymond Walker
Buxton Gilbert and Sullivan Festival 2011 (4) – Handbells and Hippies turn The Sorcerer on its head
United Kingdom Sullivan, The Sorcerer: Opera della Luna Opera Company, Opera House, Buxton. 16.8.2011 (RJW)
Buxton Gilbert and Sullivan Festival 2011 (3) – Arcadian setting for Cambridge University’s Iolanthe
United Kingdom Sullivan, Iolanthe: Soloists and Chorus of Cambridge University Gilbert & Sullivan Society, Buxton Opera, 9.8.2011 (RJW)
Buxton Gilbert and Sullivan Festival 2011 (2) – New Production of Pirates is Outstanding
United Kingdom Sullivan, The Pirates of Penzance: Soloists and Chorus of the Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Company 7.8.2011 (RJW)
Buxton Gilbert & Sullivan Festival 2011 – Good characterization and a fresh look for Ruddigore
United Kingdom Sullivan, Ruddigore: Soloists and Chorus of the Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Company 6.8.2011. (RJW)
Buxton G&S Festival Fringe 2011 – Sparkling Dancing and Costumes for Sandy Wilson’s Boy Friend
United Kingdom Sandy Wilson, The Boy Friend: Soloists and Chorus of North West Productions, Liverpool University, Gilbert & Sullivan Fringe Festival, Buxton, 2.8.2011 (RJW)