An important nineteenth-century voice given his Salzburg due by Kirill Petrenko and the Berlin Philharmonic

AustriaAustria Salzburg Festival 2024 [11] – Smetana: Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra / Kirill Petrenko (conductor). Grosses Festspielhaus, Salzburg, 26.8.2024. (MB)

Berliner Philharmoniker conducted by Kirill Petrenko at the Salzburg Festival 2024 © SF/Marco Borrelli

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An excellent cast brings Peter Sellars’s Salzburg production of The Gambler vividly to life

AustriaAustria Salzburg Festival 2024 [10] – Prokofiev, The Gambler: Soloists, Concert Association of the Vienna State Opera Chorus, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra / Timur Zangiev (conductor). Felsenreitschule, Salzburg, 25.8.2024. (MB)

[l-r] Sean Panikkar (Alexey), Violeta Urmana (Babulenka) and Asmik Grigorian (Polina) © SF/Ruth Walz)

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Confusing mix of styles in Maxim Emelyanchev’s approach to Mozart in Salzburg

AustriaAustria Salzburg Festival 2024 [9] – Mozart: Isabelle Unterer (oboe), Bernhard Mitmesser (clarinet), Álvaro Canales Albert (bassoon), Paul Pitzek (horn), Salzburg Mozarteum Orchestra / Maxim Emelyanchev (fortepiano / conductor). Grosser Saal, Salzburg, 25.8.2024. (MB)

Maxim Emelyanychev (conductor/piano), Álvaro Canales Albert (bassoon), Bernhard Mitmesser (clarinet), Paul Pitzek (horn) and Isabella Unterer (oboe) © SF/Marco Borrelli

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Excellent cast let down by lifeless conducting and a confusing Salzburg production of Les contes d’Hoffmann

AustriaAustria Salzburg Festival 2024 [8] – Offenbach, Les contes d’Hoffmann: Soloists, Concert Association of the Vienna State Opera, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra / Marc Minkowski (conductor). Grosses Festspielhaus, Salzburg, 24.8.2024. (MB)

Les contes d’Hoffmann: Benjamin Bernheim (Hoffmann), Kate Lindsey (Muse/Nicklausse) and Kathryn Lewek (Stella) © SF/Monika Rittershaus

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Disappointing Strauss from Grigorian, Dudamel and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra

AustriaAustria Salzburg Festival 2024 [7] – R. Strauss: Asmik Grigorian (soprano), Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Gustavo Dudamel (conductor). Grosses Festspielhaus, Salzburg, 24.8.2024 (MB)

Soprano Asmik Grigorian with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra © SF/Marco Borrelli

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Manfred Honeck brings the Pittsburgh Symphony to Salzburg

AustriaAustria Salzburg Festival 2024 [6] – Rachmaninov and Mahler: Yefim Bronfman (piano), Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra / Manfred Honeck (conductor). Grosses Festspielhaus, Salzburg, 22.8.2024. (MB)

Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra conducted by Manfred Honeck © SF/Marco Borrelli

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A micro-managed Salzburg Mahler Ninth from Andris Nelsons and the VPO was fine, how could it not be?

AustriaAustria Salzburg Festival [5] – Mahler, Symphony No.9: Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra / Andris Nelsons (conductor). Broadcast live (directed by Leopold Knötzl) from the Grosses Festspielhaus, Salzburg, 11.8.2024 and available on STAGE+. (JPr)

Andris Nelsons conducts the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra in Salzburg

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Christian Thielemann leads a fine concert performance of Capriccio in Salzburg

AustriaAustria Salzburg Festival 2024 [4] – R. Strauss, Capriccio: Soloists, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra / Christian Thielemann (conductor). Grosses Festspielhaus, Salzburg, 26.7.2024. (MB)

Salzburg Festival’s concert performance of Capriccio © SF/Marco Borrelli

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