Innovative Prom Celebrates Nielsen 150th Anniversary


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  United KingdomUnited Kingdom   Prom 46 – Nielsen, Brahms : Nicolai Znaider (violin), Anna Lucia Richter (soprano), David Danholt  (tenor),  Danish National Vocal Ensemble, Boy and Girl   Choristers of Winchester Cathedral, Danish National Concert Choir, Danish National Symphony Orchestra / Fabio Luisi (conductor), Royal Albert Hall, London, 20.8 2015 (GD)

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Leonskaja and Dutoit on Form in Mozart Shostakovich Prom

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United KingdomUnited Kingdom Debussy, Mozart,l Shostakovich: Elizabeth Leonskaja (piano), Royal Phiilharmonic Orchestra / Charles Dutoit (conductor), Royal Albert Hall, London, 19.8.2015. (GD)

Pianist Elisabeth Leonskaja performs Mozart’s Piano Concerto No.22 in E flat major at the BBC Proms 2015
c BBC/Sarah Jeynes

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