Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2: Hippo Song Singalong with FitzHigham and Walsh-Atkins





United KingdomUnited Kingdom Flanders and Swann: Tim FitzHigham and Duncan Walsh-Atkins, Pleasance Courtyard (Venue 33), Edinburgh,16.8.2012. (SRT)

This Flanders and Swann tribute comes from multi-talented musical comedians Tim FitzHigham and Duncan Walsh-Atkins. They’ve been to the Edinburgh Fringe for many years and they take their act around many different venues too. In fact, Flanders and Swann is only one of the shows they do: they’re both in other things on the Fringe too!

It’s a warm-hearted hour spent with two people who clearly love the original songs, but who also have great affection for the men who created them. Various favourites turn up, such as In the Bath, The Gasman Cometh and The Gnu Song, and the show reaches a climax on a let’s-all-join-in rendition of (what else?) The Hippopotamus Song.

It’s tremendous fun, lovingly done, with the odd reference to Bob Diamond or Lord Leveson tossed in to keep the comedy current. Walsh-Atkins’ impressive but understated piano part is a great counter to FitzHigham’s uproarious and occasionally rather camp singing of those immortal words. It’s sure to appeal to F&S fans, but there’s plenty for newcomers to enjoy too, not least an uproarious turn at The Madeira Song. Good music and good fun.

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe continues until 27th August at a range of venues across the city. For full details click here.

Simon Thompson