Pittsburgh Opera in 2020/21

Pittsburgh Opera announces 2021/2022 season

Pittsburgh Opera will be returning to larger venues in its upcoming season, beginning with Mozart’s The Magic Flute in November. During the height of the COVID pandemic, Pittsburgh Opera was able to combine live performances with limited, socially-distanced audiences and live-streams of each production. For the 2021/2022 season, the company will be returning to the Benedum Center and August Wilson African American Cultural Center, while also staging operas at its headquarters.

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Hymn to the City celebrates New York’s resilience and renewal after a year of trauma, loss and mourning

United StatesUnited States Various, Hymn to the City: Lucy Dhegrae (mezzo-soprano), Paul Grosvenor (baritone), Marco Foster (vocals & guitar), Linda Kleinman (dancer), Catalyst Quartet, Members of the New York Philharmonic. Green-Wood Cemetery  Brooklyn, 5.6.2021. (RP)

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LOTNY presents Monteverdi’s Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda and other gems from the Seicento

United StatesUnited States Monteverdi & Other Treasures from the Seicento: Summer Hassan (soprano), Michael Kuhn & Raúl Melo (tenors), Manami Mizumoto & Rebecca Nelson (violins), Majka Demcak (viola), Paul Holmes Morton (theorbo & guitar), Doug Balliett (bass instruments) / Elliot Figg (music director & harpsichord). The little OPERA theatre of ny, St. John’s in the Village, New York, 4.6.2021. Streamed by Musae live. (RP)

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Death by Life – White Snake Projects’ masterful and powerful digital operatic exploration of systemic injustice and mass incarceration

United StatesUnited States Various, Death by Life: Naomi Wilson (soloist), Tiana Sorenson (soprano), Lucia Bradford (mezzo-soprano), Aaron Blake (tenor), Nicholas Davis (baritone), The Victory Players / Tian Hui Ng (Music Director). White Snake Projects, Cyberspace. (Viewed on 22 & 25.5.2021) (RP)

Prologue digital environment © Curvin Huber

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Opera Philadelphia in 2021/22

Opera Philadelphia announces ‘live and digital’ 2021-2022 season

Building on the success of its acclaimed 2020-2021 season, described by The New York Times as ‘laying claim to the mantle of making new material during the pandemic’, Opera Philadelphia has announced plans for an untraditional 2021-2022 season. Eliminating the time constraints of what constitutes an ‘opera season’, the Opera Philadelphia Channel will continue to stream original films, archival performances and new programming year-round.

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Frankfurt Opera announces 2021-2022 season

Frankfurt Opera’s 2021-2022 season will see eleven new productions, of which eight will be performed in the opera house and three in the Bockenheimer Depot, a former tram depot and the main workshop of the Straßenbahn Frankfurt am Main. In addition, there will be fifteen revivals of past productions and eight vocal recitals. Complete details … Read more

In a sentimental mood – guitarist Jason Vieaux in recital for Chamber Music Northwest

United StatesUnited States Various, Jason Vieaux: Eloquent & Eclectic: Jason Vieaux (guitar). Chamber Music Northwest, Mechanics Hall, Worcester, Massachusetts, premiered on 15.5.2021 and available to stream through 22.5.2021 on cmnw.org. (RP)

Jason Vieaux © Tyler Boye

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